Our Publications
Play, for Solo Oboe and Audience, by Kelly Vaneman
I. Snap
II. Sing
III. Stomp
As the title indicates, this is supposed to be a fun piece for both the player and the audience. You can go about getting the audience to perform its part in a number of ways--by writing program notes, by explaining (and possibly even rehearsing) the audience instructions just before performing the entire piece or between each movement, or by simply using hand signals and demonstration. You could, if necessary, even bypass the audience entirely, instead having a small group perform the audience part from the stage!
Play is available through Trevco Music.
Third Wheel, for Flute, Oboe, and Third Wheel, by Kelly Vaneman
Surely everyone’s had the experience of being a “third wheel”—an interloper into an already-existing relationship? When a new person joins an existing group, it often feels awkward at first (and is sometimes full of surprises!), but after a while the various members of the group usually find themselves relating to each other in new ways, learning from each other and creating something new. That, in a nutshell, is the premise for Third Wheel. The piece starts out as a cheery flute and oboe duo, but then the "third wheel" interrupts by clapping and stomping. Over the course of the piece, all that body percussion is incorporated more fully into the texture of the music, until finally the trio together finish with a wild, joyous romp.
Third Wheel is available through Trevco Music.
Third Wheel is available through Trevco Music.
School Daze, for Solo Oboe and Audience, by Kelly Vaneman
I. 5:00 am...dreaming my life away...
II. 9:00-3:00 Class Schedule: Math, Science, History
III. 9:00 pm: Friday Night Bash
School Daze was commissioned by the International Double Reed Society in 2022. It is designed to introduce intermediate-level oboe students to contemporary styles and techniques and, hopefully, to have fun. Some of the contemporary techniques used are multiphonics, timbrel trills, pitch bends, and audience participation. A number of standard orchestral excerpts for oboe also make an appearance. The piece tells the story of a typical school day. We start sleeping (and dreaming), spend the day at school, and, in the evening, go dancing with our friends.
School Daze is available through Trevco Music.
A video of the premiere of School Daze is available on the IDRS website
School Daze is available through Trevco Music.
A video of the premiere of School Daze is available on the IDRS website
Le Tombeau de Couperin by Maurice Ravel
arr. flute/oboe/piano by Ensemble Radieuse
I. Prélude
II. Fugue
III. Forlane
IV. Menuet
V. Rigaudon
arr. flute/oboe/piano by Ensemble Radieuse
I. Prélude
II. Fugue
III. Forlane
IV. Menuet
V. Rigaudon
Our arrangement of Ravel's Le Tombeau de Couperin is available at Trevco Music.
Three Preludes by George Gershwin
arr. flute/oboe (+EH)/piano by Ensemble Radieuse
I. Allegro ben ritmato e deciso
II. Andante con moto e poco rubato
III.Allegro ben ritmato e deciso
arr. flute/oboe (+EH)/piano by Ensemble Radieuse
I. Allegro ben ritmato e deciso
II. Andante con moto e poco rubato
III.Allegro ben ritmato e deciso